Abraxus's Blog

HackPack Function Pointer Fun Write Up


Jeopardy style CTF

Category: Reverse Engineering


Somehow, by means unbeknowst to us, you have access to Melon Eusk's terminal. But can you crack his password? Rumor is he wrote his own verification algorithm...

nc ctf2021.hackpack.club 10998

Write up:

I started by decompiling the function, the main function looked like:

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  int result; 
  bool changed; 
  int i;
  int (*fp)(void);
  char seed[5];
  unsigned __int64 v8;

  v8 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
  *(_DWORD *)seed = 0;
  seed[4] = 0;
  printf("Hello, Mr. Eusk. \nPassword > ");
  __isoc99_scanf("%4s", seed);
  changed = 0;
  for ( i = 0; i <= 3; ++i )
    if ( seed[i] )
      changed = 1;
  if ( !changed )
    puts("You gotta give an input!");
    result = 1;
    fp = pickFunction(seed);
    ((void (__fastcall *)(char *))fp)(seed);
    result = 0;
  return result;

I noticed the pickFunction function and decided to decompile that as well:

int (*__cdecl pickFunction(char *seed))(void)
  char res; 

  res = (seed[2] | seed[3]) & (*seed | seed[1]);
  if ( res == 73 )
    return funTwo;
  if ( res > 0 && res <= 31 )
    return funOne;
  if ( res > 31 && res <= 63 )
    return funThree;
  if ( res <= 63 || res > 95 )
    return funFive;
  return funFour;

This function took in a char array contianing 4 chars and then used those to pick a function. I then needed to check which function had what I needed. I found out that funcTwo had what I needed:

int __cdecl funTwo()
  FILE *fp; 
  char flag[25]; 
  unsigned __int64 v3; 

  v3 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
  fp = fopen("flag", "r");
  fgets(flag, 25, fp);
  return 1;

I now needed to write a script to figure out what 4 characters I should send, I decided to use Z3:

# import z3
from z3 import *

# instantiate solver
s = Solver()

# create the 4 values
a = BitVec(f'a', 8)
b = BitVec(f'b', 8)
c = BitVec(f'c', 8)
d = BitVec(f'd', 8)

# add constraints
s.add(a < 127)
s.add(b < 127)
s.add(c < 127)
s.add(d < 127)
s.add(a > 32)
s.add(b > 32)
s.add(c > 32)
s.add(d > 32)

# check the solve
m = s.model()

# print the model

When run this output:

[a < 127,
 b < 127,
 c < 127,
 d < 127,
 a > 32,
 b > 32,
 c > 32,
 d > 32,
 (c | d) & (a | b) == 73]
[b = 48, a = 105, c = 64, d = 73]

From this I was able to figure out the four characters to send were:


I then connected to the server and tried my solve:

nc ctf2021.hackpack.club 10998

Hello, Mr. Eusk. 
Password > i0@I